6 Health Benefits Of Jaljira Paani

Jaljira, also known as tangy cumin water, originated in India. If we look back at the history and culture of this drink, we get to know, this refreshing and natural remedy came from the banks of the great Ganges river. 

For many years, this refreshing drink has been served at Indian households, and restaurants to beat the heat. This blog is going to tell you the benefits of Jaljira Paani. So, let’s get into it. 

Origin Of Jaljira

The word “Jaljira'' comes from “Jeera” which means cumin. It’s considered a refreshment drink for its digestive and cooling  properties.   

It is a 2 ingredient recipe, just take two tablespoons of JK Jaljira powder and a glass of water, squeeze a slice of lemon as per taste, stir it well. Let’s take a look at its nutrition facts and top health benefits.

Nutrition Fact Of Jaljira Panni

Nutrition Values Per Glass

Energy15.35 kcal
Protein0.5 g
Carbohydrates3.30 g
Dietary Fibre0.29 g
Total Fats0 g
Cholestrol0 mg
Vitamin A4.01 mcg
Vitamin C1.04 mg
Calcium6.7 mg
Iron0.37 mg

12.67 mg


Health Benefits Of Jaljira Paani

Jaljira is made with a blend of spices, herbs. However, JK Cart produces the powder form where you get all of the ingredients. You just mix the Jaljira powder with a glass of water.   

The best thing is, you can drink Jaljira before or after a meal. Let’s get into some of the potential benefits of Jaljira Paani.

  • Reduces Menstrual Pain

Majority of women face menstrual pain every month. Jaljira paani acts as a great relief. Plus, it will keep you energized throughout the day.

If you are a student or working man or woman , prepare a bottle of Jaljira paani and carry it with you wherever you go. This notable benefit of Jaljira paani cannot be avoided.

  • Improve Digestion

Acidity, constipation, and gastric pain are some common symptoms of digestive disorders. Jaljira contains digestive spices like cumin, coriander, and ginger, which help to stimulate the production of digestive juices and enzymes that help to improve your digestion system. 

Acidity may create serious digestive problems, if you suffer from problems like acidity, gastric, gas pain, you can drink a glass of Jaljira paani before or after a meal.

  • Boosts Immunity 

The spices in Jaljira have antioxidant properties that help to boost the immune system and reduce the risk of infections.  A glass of Jaljira Pani can be your refreshment drink instead of cold drinks in the hot summer..

  • Enhance Skin Glow

Not only do skin care products give glow to skin, you also need to have a good digestion process internally. Jaljira has benefits for the skin. The carminative properties of the spices in Jaljira help to maintain skin glow.

This flavorful drink obtained vitamin C that treats skin problems. It removes toxins from the body. You can drink Jaljira paani everyday. There is no problem adding this cumin water in your daily diet chart. 

  • Improves Appetite

Senior family member has an appetite issue. They have always said that their appetite is full or they can’t eat now, etc.  Jaljira can stimulate the taste buds and increase appetite, making it a great drink to have before meals.

On this note, we have already mentioned that Jaljira paani treats constipation and acidity. So, the entire process will go smoothly. 

  • Help To Weight Loss 

Jaljira is a low-calorie drink, making it a healthier alternative to sugary beverages like soda. Many dietitians said that we have gained weight from soft drinks or cold drinks. 

In the summer, we are obsessed with high calorie soft drinks. If you want to maintain your weight or you are in the process of weight loss, then make this habit by drinking Jaljira Paani.

Stay Healthy With Jaljira

Overall, Jaljira is a healthy and refreshing drink that offers several potential health benefits. You can visit JK Cart to make your purchase. However, it is always smart to consult with a dietitian or healthcare professional before making any significant changes in your diet.